Unlocking Your Potential Through Business Ownership

As a business owner, you gain freedom and the potential to earn more than you might otherwise earn. If you are ready to tackle the hard work involved in business ownership, you may be prepared to take the next step. Two main advantages to being a business owner include forging ahead with more freedom and also boosting your income. However, you must be prepared to take some risks. 

Grow Your Income

Owning your own business gives you the opportunity to grow your income. While owning a business can dramatically boost your income, this typically comes with both increased risk and more work. 

Generally, the longer a business owner maintains their business, the greater the potential for profits. Business owners who have operated their businesses for ten years or more generally earn over $100,000 per year. It’s important to remember that it may take years before you achieve the income level you desire. Building a successful business takes time, and increasing the profits of an existing business can also require significant effort. Regardless, being a business owner gives you much greater control over your financial destiny.

Determine Your Lifestyle

Owning a business also grants you control over your lifestyle. Working for someone else often means sacrificing some degree of freedom. Employees are typically required to show up for work at specific times and adhere to set hours. As an employee, you must abide by various rules and regulations established by your employer. In contrast, being a business owner allows you to choose when and how you work. You establish the rules and can manage your time and life in ways that an employee simply cannot.

Are You Ready? 

One of the most crucial factors in determining your readiness to own a business is your willingness to assume some risk. Simply put, there is no way to be a business owner without dealing with risk. Owning a business is not the same as working for one; your fate is in your own hands, which means accepting at least a modest degree of risk. 

Of course, not all businesses succeed, and it’s essential for prospective business owners to understand that, despite the money, time, and effort invested, a business may still fail. By carefully considering what kind of business is right for you and working closely with a business broker or M&A advisor, you can significantly increase your chances of selecting a business that aligns with your personality, needs, and expectations.

Being a business owner means you are ready to take both action and responsibility. You must be forward-looking, seek out opportunities, and be willing to assume risks. A business broker or M&A advisor can be an invaluable ally in determining whether you should become a business owner and helping to identify the right business for you.

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Strategic Negotiation: Essential Tactics for Deal Success

Negotiation can evoke a range of feelings: some people thrive on it, others dread it, and many fall somewhere in between. Regardless of your stance, the ultimate goal remains the same: to emerge successfully from the negotiation. Mastering effective negotiation methods and tactics can give you an edge where others might falter. The objective is to close deals effectively. Here are three negotiation strategies that have been proven to close more deals. 

Leverage the Experts 

One common belief is that you should never negotiate your own deal. Business owners are often too emotionally invested in their businesses, which can cloud their judgment. Buyers can also become overly emotionally attached. Engaging a professional business broker or M&A advisor can be a strategic move toward achieving a favorable outcome. A professional broker not only knows what constitutes a fair price but also understands the many factors that influence the negotiation.

Take it or Leave it

Another strategy to consider is the “take it or leave it” approach. In this method, the buyer presents their offer, the seller makes a counter-offer, and then the negotiation ends. The seller maintains their position and hopes for the best. This approach carries risks, as showing some flexibility can often lead to a successful deal. While the “take it or leave it” strategy can be high-risk, it also has the potential for high rewards. An experienced brokerage professional can assess whether this strategy is appropriate based on factors such as the business’s appeal to future buyers.

Addressing Variables 

A third approach involves focusing on the most important variables for both the buyer and the seller. Understanding what matters most to both parties can be crucial in crafting a successful deal. It’s important to remember that key issues aren’t always financial; they might include commitments to retaining key employees or allowing a relative to remain involved with the business. Recognizing the complexity of buying a business and addressing these variables can facilitate a smoother negotiation process.

Reaching a Compromise 

Finally, consider the strategy of splitting the difference. It’s essential for both buyers and sellers to avoid letting ego derail the deal. Quibbling over minor differences in a multi-million-dollar transaction is usually counterproductive. 

Offering to meet halfway between the seller’s asking price and the buyer’s offer—provided the disparity isn’t too large—demonstrates goodwill and flexibility. By proposing to split the difference, you reduce emotional tension and show that you value reaching an agreement.

In dealmaking, don’t be afraid to think creatively. Every business, buyer, and seller is unique, and each deal presents its own challenges. A skilled business broker or M&A advisor will evaluate each situation on its own merits, rather than adhering to a rigid formula.

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Why Business Brokerage Professionals Use Term Sheets

Term sheets are invaluable in that they can serve as a point of orientation during negotiations. Thanks to term sheets it is possible to keep everyone involved, focused and on target. 

What is a Term Sheet? 

These nonbinding agreements detail the basic terms and conditions of a deal. It is different from a legally binding agreement, so it is often misunderstood by buyers and sellers. However, the term sheet serves the purpose of moving a deal along and helping both parties to get on the same page. 

A term sheet can be thought of as a preliminary proposal that contains a range of information that is essential to the deal. A well-crafted term sheet includes more than the price, as it also includes key terms and any major considerations, such as employment agreements, consulting and more.

In Russ Robb’s book, “Streetwise Selling Your Business,” Robb concluded that a term sheet serves to include the price range along with the basic structure of a deal. Importantly, Robb also notes that a term sheet will include whether or not any real estate is included in the deal. 

There are other ways of thinking about a term sheet. Author and attorney Jean Sifleet once stated that a term sheet should clearly answer the four all-important questions of: Who? Where? What? And, last but not least, How much?

The Importance of Customization 

The goal of any negotiation should be to achieve a win-win for everyone involved. In order to achieve that win-win environment, it is helpful to avoid lawyers, accountants and other advisors who overutilize boilerplate documents or who use adversarial tactics or adopt extreme negotiation positions.

Putting it in Writing

Once a verbal agreement has been reached on the important variables of price and terms, it is critical to put that agreement in writing. It is through this information that the process can move on to the next stage and a more formalized letter of intent can be created. It is important to remember that the term sheet is designed to help both parties and can be used to help a deal take its final form.

Term sheets are an extremely useful and time-saving tool. They orient the thinking of all parties involved in the process and help cultivate a clearer understanding of what the final agreement will look like. Through term sheets, it is possible to avoid misunderstandings and last-minute surprises, which often sabotage deals. 

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Navigating Due Diligence: Essential Steps for Successful Business Transactions

There is no denying the satisfaction that comes with obtaining a signed letter of intent from both the buyer and seller. However, it’s crucial to recognize that due diligence has yet to be completed. No deal is final until the seller undergoes this process and commits to proceeding.

In Stanley Foster Reed’s insightful book, The Art of M&A, Reed emphasizes that the goal of due diligence is to “assess the benefits and liabilities of a proposed acquisition by investigating all relevant aspects of the business’s past, present, and foreseeable future.” Reed highlights the importance of thoroughly examining every aspect of a business and its potential trajectory. 

Due diligence is inherently comprehensive, and it’s no surprise that many deals falter during this critical stage. Therefore, it is prudent for both buyers and sellers to consult with key team members, such as lawyers and accountants, before embarking on due diligence.

Reviewing All Aspects of a Business 

There are numerous factors that buyers and sellers should consider before initiating due diligence. A checklist addressing these areas is essential. For instance, accounts receivable should be scrutinized to identify outstanding debts. Similarly, inventory should undergo thorough examination.

Environmental concerns, often underestimated by sellers, can derail a deal swiftly. Issues such as lead or asbestos contamination, or water pollution, require careful assessment due to potentially substantial remediation costs and time commitments.

If the business holds trademarks, patents, or copyrights, these valuable assets must be properly documented and their transferability confirmed. They are critical to the business’s current and future value.

The strength of any business lies in its key employees and management. Sellers should evaluate their team for any weaknesses, while buyers must gain a comprehensive understanding of the workforce. Over-reliance on the owner or key personnel can signal risks.

For example, in manufacturing, it is imperative to evaluate all aspects of the production process. The condition of equipment, its anticipated lifespan, efficiency, and overall value are crucial considerations. Identifying key suppliers and assessing their reliability is equally essential.

Due diligence is pivotal for buyers to comprehend the true nature of the business being sold. Sellers can leverage this process to highlight their business’s strengths and address any weaknesses. 

Through due diligence, stakeholders can gain insights into critical factors, such as the company’s competitive edge, long-term potential, status of team members, customer and supplier relationships, and more. Business brokers and M&A advisors are well-versed in every facet of due diligence and can guide stakeholders through this complex process.

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Why Should You Buy an Established Business?

A pre-existing business is a proven commodity. A new business, regardless of how great your idea may be, will always have a future that is uncertain. You can hire many consultants and plan meticulously. Yet, even with the best ideas and most experienced consultants, your newly minted business could still quickly fail. A business with a long track record of success provides you with a degree of security and certainty.

It’s also important to note that an existing business has a myriad of established relationships, which are invaluable. Business is all about cultivating strong relationships and developing a positive reputation. An established business will have those relationships set up and ready to go. This can be tremendously beneficial and save you a lot of time and energy. 

Whether it is suppliers, customers or key employees and management, this track record can help ensure your success. It will bring with it long-term customers, as well as an established and proven supply chain. Supply chain issues should not be overlooked as a key factor in successfully operating a business. Many new businesses find themselves in ruins over unforeseen supply chain issues. Opting for an established business can help safeguard against an array of potential disruptions. 

Another advantage of buying a pre-existing successful business is that it will have a proven cash flow. Statistics¹ show that 82% of businesses fail due to cash flow mismanagement.  Even with exceptional ideas, it can take years for a new business to take flight, but an established business should have positive cash flow from day one. No matter how well you plan, there is no way to know with certainty that your new business will generate the revenue you expect it to. An established business can provide proven cash flow, and that is so critical for the success of any business.

Finally, a business is only as strong as the idea and people behind it. An existing business will already have key people in place. You should look for one that has proven and reliable people. 

Hiring from scratch is often much harder than it sounds. All too often a resume fails to tell the full story about a potential hire. When you opt for an established business, the previous owner has already vetted key team members for you and they have experience working in the industry and performing a certain role.

Again, new businesses fail way too often. Working with a business broker or M&A advisor and choosing to buy a proven and time-tested existing business will eliminate many headaches. This approach will dramatically boost your overall chances of success and provide you with peace of mind in the process.

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


¹ https://www.score.org/resource/blog-post/1-reason-small-businesses-fail-and-how-avoid-it 

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How Business Owners Can Leverage AI

Artificial Intelligence has certainly received more than a bit of attention in the last two years. It’s no wonder that many business owners wonder how best to use this tool to gain an edge over the competition.

Currently, the cost of ChatGPT-4 is only $20 per month, which is a very nominal cost considering its capabilities. For that cost, users gain access to a powerful large language model or LLM. ChatGPT-4 allows users to put in a prompt and quickly receive an answer. Since ChatGPT-4 is a neural network, it is possible for you to customize how data is generated. 

An AI Virtual Assistant?

Almost anyone can appreciate the benefits a virtual assistant can bring. With ChatGPT-4, it is possible to use the technology as a digital VA that can simulate the work you might otherwise need to hire people to do. AI tools have become better and better at providing pinpointed information. More and more, business owners are viewing artificial intelligence as a tool that can serve the function of a virtual assistant or in some cases even a trusted business advisor. 

One example of how you could leverage ChatGPT-4 is to help you with your website’s SEO. Instead of hiring an expert, AI can assist you by generating lists of valuable keywords and SEO instructions. 

Other ways business people have used ChatGPT include everything from customer services and support to employee training. Its functionality is incredibly versatile and can serve many niches. 

Creating GPTs

GPT stands for “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer.” This term basically refers to a language model and framework used for artificial intelligence. This type of AI uses neural networks for tasks that involve language. 

Through GPTs, people now have the ability to create assistants or bots. To date, over 20,000 GPTs have been created. These are highly specific programs that have the ability to use internal data in ways that users deem fit. The more refined the prompt you put in, the more precise the information that you will receive. 

Another tool that could be helpful to business owners is Voice Chat GPT, which can transcribe what you are saying in real time. There is also Visual Chat GPT, which can verify visual information, for example, identifying the type of bird in a photograph.

Creating Personas 

In order to get the most out of ChatGPT-4, you can prime it and tell it what you want and need. Through ChatGPT-4, it is possible to create “personas” to bounce ideas around and get different information and feedback. For example, it is possible to create CEO and marketing manager personas, to name just two. The information you receive will differ depending on the persona you turn on. Different information and responses will then be generated via these different personas. This tool allows you to ask and receive responses on a wide variety of business-related questions. 

Protecting Information 

One word of caution in using these tools is to be careful regarding importing confidential information into ChatGPT or other AI tools. While efforts may be made to keep information confidential, it is still possible that other companies will use this information for training purposes. Any sensitive information about your business, employees or customers should be carefully guarded. 

The bottom line is yes, you can use AI to improve and expand your business, and you can start doing this right away. It’s important to note that artificial intelligence is a fast moving and evolving technology. For that reason, the way you can utilize it today may be entirely different in the coming years. 

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Discovering How to Leverage SBA Lending Options

For most entrepreneurs, finding the money to launch their first business stands as a tremendous challenge. The good news is that getting a loan through the Small Business Association (SBA) is turning out to be a viable option for many business owners.

The SBA doesn’t directly provide loans itself, but instead, works to facilitate lending. SBA assistance can even extend into the realm of micro-lending. It is very important for prospective buyers to realize that since SBA loans are government backed, lenders are typically much more willing to offer a prospective buyer a loan. Impressively, the SBA will cover seventy-five percent of a lender’s loss in the event that a loan ultimately goes into default.

Many entrepreneurs find the issue of collateral to be a challenging one. Once again, the SBA can be of assistance. In some cases, an SBA loan may bypass the need for collateral altogether.

Overall, SBA loans do in fact have a good deal in common with other types of loans. Prospective buyers should have all of their financial documentation ready and well organized. In short, prospective buyers should have all their information organized as they would when dealing with a bank without SBA involvement.

Not every prospective buyer will qualify, so the first step that should be taken is for a would-be business owner to check and verify that they do indeed qualify for a loan. The next step for a prospective buyer is to find a lender and complete all necessary SBA forms.

There are several factors that determine eligibility for an SBA loan. Here are the two top factors that are important for qualifying for a loan 

  1. The business must be based in the United States, the business must be a for-profit venture. 
  2. Prospective buyers should expect that their application will take two to three months to process once it has been submitted.

All too often, people assume that they simply won’t qualify for an SBA loan. The statistical data tells a different story. Every year, thousands of people are approved for SBA loans. It’s important to keep in mind that these loans are not just for those looking to buy a business. The SBA also helps existing businesses that are looking to expand.

For the end of 2023, the SBA Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman announced that this year, the SBA delivered $50 billion and this included capital, disaster relief and small business support. Guzman stated, “The Biden-Harris Administration remains committed to simplifying and addressing persistent inequities in accessing capital to ensure all small business owners can get the funding needed to grow and create jobs for our economy. In Fiscal Year 2023, the SBA transformed its lending and investment programs and expanded its capital partners to deliver nearly $50 billion in startup, growth, and recovery capital, as well as surety bonds, including more small business lending to people of color, women, and veterans.” [1]

Business brokers and M&A advisors are experts in working with the SBA. Entrepreneurs looking to buy a business can benefit enormously from their years of SBA experience. Working with a business broker or M&A advisor can help you streamline the SBA process and dramatically increase your chances of success.

[1] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sba-announces-biden-harris-administration-154000629.html

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Key Steps for All First Time Buyers

Are you a first-time business buyer? If so, it is critical that you work with a business broker or M&A advisor. If you’ve never purchased a business before, you simply can’t anticipate all that is involved in buying a business. 

Buying a business is vastly different than buying a home, which is typically the largest purchase that most first-time business buyers have made. Sometimes buyers assume that since they have made large investments before, they will have a leg up in the business buying process. However, they typically quickly find out that they still need a great deal of assistance to navigate the complexities of the business buying process.  

Business brokerage professionals know the process, the lay of the land, and the players involved. Additionally, business brokers and M&A advisors know where the traps and pitfalls are located. When it comes time to buy a business, all prospective business buyers can benefit from a guide. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the steps that are involved in purchasing a business. 

Sign a Confidentiality Agreement

Prospective business buyers should always be ready to sign a confidentiality agreement. It is important to put yourself in the shoes of the seller. They have invested a great deal of their lives in their business and allowing someone to peak behind the curtain can be a stressful prospect. Signing a confidentiality agreement is an initial sign of good faith.

Investigate the Business

Next, you’ll want to gather a good deal of information about the business. Once more, working with a business broker or M&A advisor is a prudent move as business brokers understand what kind of information should be acquired. They have an understanding of how to uncover important information that might otherwise go unseen.

Armed with as much relevant information as possible and an experienced brokerage professional, you’ll want to carefully evaluate the business in question. With the right information and experienced professionals at your side, you can be sure that you are making a wise investment. 

Make Your Decision 

The next step is to either decide to make an offer or pass on the business. You and your business brokerage professional will carefully evaluate a range of information including financial statements and tax returns. When choosing to make an offer, it is important that all key details are clearly laid out in writing, and this includes contingencies. 

Finding the right business for you, in part, means determining what kind of business you truly want to own. The good news is that business brokers and M&A advisors are experts in every point examined in this article, and they can even assist prospective business buyers with determining what type of business is a good fit. The sooner you begin charting out a plan, the greater your chances of finding the right business for your unique needs, preferences, and specifications.

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Purchasing a Business

Truly understanding a business is much like understanding the condition of a car. It is necessary for a skilled mechanic to “pop the hood” to access the true condition of a car. In much the same way, you and your team of experts need to “pop the hood” of the business in order to understand the business’s long-term health and viability. Here are four things to consider before signing on the dotted line.

Will You Enjoy the Work?

Owning a business, especially if you are planning on being an owner-operator, can be a demanding path. You will likely have to log many hours, especially in the beginning. For this reason, you’ll want to select a business that you will enjoy owning. 

Life is too short to own a business that you would not want to be involved in. Importantly, if you do not like the business you own, the odds of facing burnout and losing interest are higher. It goes without saying that these kinds of obstacles can dramatically harm your business. Think long and hard before selecting a business to buy, as it is a decision that you will have to live with for years to come.

Did You Examine the Business Plan?

A second factor to consider is that there is no replacement for a good business plan. When you are considering buying a business, you’ll want to dive in and understand every aspect of the current owner’s business plan. If the business plan has major holes or just doesn’t seem to be adding up, you should move on.

Do You Understand the Financials?

Similar to understanding the particulars of a business’s business plan, it is also critical that you have a very precise and clear view of a business’s financials. You should look over everything from profit and loss statements to tax returns and more. It is a smart idea to consult your accountant and a brokerage professional regarding what financial documents you should review. Before you buy a business is the time to understand every small detail of a business’s financial health, not after.

How is the Business Performing? 

A fourth factor to consider when evaluating a business is the business’s overall performance. It is possible for a business to have a good business plan (at least on paper) and strong financials and yet it could still have a less than stellar future. Oftentimes, the true health of a business lies beyond the business plan and the current financials. 

You’ll need to know about a wide variety of factors including how vulnerable the business is to competition, changes in market forces, the status of key management and employees, the relationship with key suppliers and customers, and any pending litigation. When buying a business, you simply can’t afford to overlook any area.

If you keep an eye on these four key areas, and work closely with experienced professionals like business brokers or M&A advisors, your odds of finding the right business for you will skyrocket. Owning a business that you love will greatly increase your chances of success, so don’t underestimate the emotional factor in the equation. 

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.

Jirapong Manustrong/BigStock.com

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How Leases Factor into Business Sales

If you’re planning to buy or sell a business that involves a lease, this can lead to an extra level of complication. Oftentimes, such as in the case of a restaurant or retail establishment, the location is essential to the success of the business itself. That means that if you’re buying a business, you’ll have to make sure any lease issues you might encounter are straightened out before you sign on the bottom line. But even if you’re buying a business that isn’t location-sensitive, you’ll still want to iron out all the details about your lease ahead of time. 

Negotiating a Lease

If you’re buying a business with a lease, one word of advice is to have a clear way out of the lease in the near future. After all, with a business so new to you, you might make changes in the short term. The general recommendation is to negotiate a one-year lease that has an option for a longer period of time. 

In many instances, the buyer of a business with a lease will find that he or she doesn’t have too much leverage. However, buyers typically find that there is more opportunity to negotiate if the lease is close to its expiration date or the business is performing poorly. 

Future Contingencies

When you’re first negotiating your lease, you may also want to think about the big picture. For example, if your business is in a mall, you might want to confirm that no future tenants will be allowed to move in and be your competition. Along similar lines, some businesses located in shopping centers seek to outline a reduction of rent if the shopping center’s anchor store were to close, as that could negatively impact the business. 

When you negotiate your lease, you’ll also want to think about the far-off future when you’d like to sell the business. You will want to make sure that the landlord allows for lease transfers, and you’ll want to confirm the requirements necessary for a potential transfer.  

Another thing to consider is what if the property did become available in the future? If this were to occur, you might want to negotiate the option to potentially buy the property. Otherwise, you might find yourself in an unfortunate situation where you are forced to move your establishment. 

Basics for Your Lease

A lease should always outline your responsibilities as well as those of your landlord. Make sure you carefully review the lease with your attorney. You’ll want to be sure that you thoroughly understand all the terms. It should cover various issues that might arise in the future and how they will be handled. For example, if there were a fire or disaster, who would pay to rebuild the building? How are the taxes, fees and maintenance handled for the property?

Unfortunately, in some situations a landlord’s lack of flexibility with a lease has even sunk a deal. If the landlord is unwilling to agree to a new lease or offer concessions to an ongoing one, buyers often will find the situation too restrictive. In certain instances, however, sellers have been willing to offer concessions to buyers to counterbalance issues with a lease.  

The fate of your business could literally depend on your lease. If you set things up correctly in the beginning, it will most likely benefit you tremendously in the long run. 

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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